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Redefined Student Book


The Redefined Student Book is an essential component of a Redefined event. These books contain the creative, interactive small group Bible study activities, space for notes during large group sessions, and devotions designed to use during and after your Redefined event.

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Human beings are nothing if not creatures of habit. We are drawn to routine. We expect the expected and when it doesn’t happen we get frustrated and confused.

Have you ever noticed the result of something completely disrupting our expectations? When something so out of the ordinary happens that it shatters the status quo? It’s absolute chaos. 

We don’t know how to respond. But when the disrupter is God, it can be a beautiful chaos. God is the great redefiner. At the heart of what it means to know and experience God is the process of redefinition. God defines what it means to be new. God spoke a new creation into existence out of nothing, redefining our existence. Through the person and work of Christ, God made complete renewal possible for all who would come to faith in Him, redefining our reality. In the salvation offered by God, we discover a new identity, redefining who we are. And in discovering who God meant for us to always be, our purpose is redefined.

Teach Redefined and help your students see the radical difference God makes in the lives of His people.

The Redefined Student Book is a hand-in-hand necessary component of your Redefined event. Designed as an interactive tool, it is a companion for each of the small group lessons. It contains space for large group session notes. And, it contains personal devotions to use during and after your Redefined event.

Help your students focus on Christ's redefining work in our lives with the Redefined Student Book.


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